We Are Not Grizzly Bears

Brian Patton

Brian Patton is author of The Sexy Vegan Cookbook and is executive chef for Vegin' Out, a vegan food delivery service in Los Angeles.

April 17, 2012

"What are humans really supposed to eat?" Since our food choices are wrapped up in emotion, fond memories and tradition, this can get a little tricky. Suppose we stripped ourselves of these human issues, looked at ourselves in the mirror, and only saw our bodies.

As members of the animal kingdom, we come equipped with all the tools necessary for obtaining the food that our bodies need and extracting the nutrients. The grizzly bear — an omnivore — is fast and strong-jawed, with razor sharp teeth and claws, and is capable of chasing down a deer, tearing through its flesh, and easily digesting the raw musculature without marination, tenderizing or any cooking at all. It's born with all of the tools, right down to its digestive system, needed to gather and extract the proper nourishment from poor Mr. Deer. The grizzly bear is also capable of extracting nutrients from vegetation and insects.

Based on the logic of the animal kingdom, we are designed to eat plants.

So are we meant to consume animal products? Is it optimal for our longevity? I think not. Humans are thought to be omnivores - just like the grizzly. Look in that mirror ... we're so much alike, aren't we? I'll tell you what: you show me the guy who can chase down a deer on foot, kill it with his bare hands, tear through its flesh with his own teeth, and digest the raw innards every day without getting ill (and not "ill" in the good, 80's rap song way), and I will reconsider my stance.

Can humans digest and extract nutrients from animal products? With processing, yes. Can we be relatively healthy while eating a diet including animal products? Sure. But, based on the logic of the animal kingdom, we are designed to eat plants. Our teeth are dull, our jaws are weak, and eating raw animal flesh usually makes us sick. The tools we are born with lend themselves to obtaining and digesting food that doesn't increase cholesterol, have unnecessary fats, or try to run away or bite us back. I know, it makes us sound like the wusses of the animal kingdom. Maybe that's why we're so enamored with eating other animals — it makes us feel like the Grand Poobah of the planet.

But for those of us who conquer our Poobah complexes: does this mean we should we all go vegan? There are always exceptions, of course. People with extreme allergies, intolerances and genetic deficiencies should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, and should, by no means, be used as examples in this debate. That said, the average person not only survives, but thrives on a vegan diet — if they do it right. The way we have been brought up to eat is not conducive to becoming vegan. We can't just throw away all of our hamburgers, replace them with frozen veggie burgers, and expect to have optimal health. The lettuce and tomato must be elevated from topping to main course. We must rethink and relearn the portrait of the plate.

I’m not going to lie, transitioning to a vegan diet is work. Not because it's unnatural, but because we've been taught differently our entire lives. Old habits are hard to break. The work, however is all in our heads, not our bodies. Our bodies want us to change. They’re screaming it through their clogged arteries and layers of fat cells. It's our minds that need the convincing.

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