Qi Gong…You know, that exercise thingie you see people doing in the Park

What is Qi Gong anyway?

p1190427Qi Gong (Pronounced ‘chee-gung’) is the combination of two Chinese words.

  • ¦ Qi, (pronounced “Chee”), can be translated to mean “life-force”, or “vital energy that flows through all living things.”
  • ¦ Gong (pronounced “Gung” or “Kung”) means the “cultivation of a skill” or “accomplishment” through the steady practice of working with the energy of life.

Thus, Qi Gong is the cultivation, the improvement through labor, study, or care, of the heat, light, sound, electric, and magnetic energies that are in us, in the world, and in the universe. There are many kinds of Qi Gong because we are capable of many skills, and our bodies can do many things.  So, all of the combinations of those things, as well as the manner in which we approach them, equal all the possible “qi gongs.”

Qi Gong is a comprehensive approach to wellness rooted in Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martial arts. It is one of the four main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine, along with acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and massage. Qi Gong involves gentle movements and rhythmic breathing intended to stimulate and coordinate the flow of Qi throughout the body. When Qi moves freely, circulating naturally through the organs, tissues, and emotional centers, many diseases, disorders and states of psychological discontentment are alleviated. Qi Gong’s proven and powerful means of integrating the mind, the breath and the body help promote a living state of balance and harmony with nature and self. Qi Gong teaches the student how to embody and re-align with the greater harmonies of the natural world, thus cultivating health and vitality through the body’s ecosystems. Its simple, accessible techniques of postural alignment, proper breathing, dynamic movement, and meditative awareness guide the practitioner to re-connect with the Qi.

So why is Stream Point Wellness talking about Qi Gong this week?

Because we are now offering Qi Gong Classes, taught by the fantastic Tonya l’olani Leger on TUESDAY MORNINGS & WEDNESDAY EVENINGS!

Read more below for details…

1476163_10200688089914477_751789168_nWhat to expect:

In the first few classes, you can expect to learn how to find proper Qi Gong posture, how to move, and how to “work with” breath and Qi in all directions. You will discover methods of how to intentionally access, cleanse, and tonify the 12 meridians, harmonize Yin and Yang. Breathing, in a coordinated manner with focused intention and particular movements provide additional physical and psychological benefits on a scale that other forms or exercise to not reach. You will learn complimentary concepts for better living as you evolve and connect physically, mentally, and emotionally. As your practice continues, I will introduce you to a 5 Element Qi Gong, which is a simple, yet fundamental combination of five movements for cultivating and refining your vital organs and essential Qi.

Why do Qi Gong?

People practice QiGong to maintain health, heal the body, calm the mind and reconnect with the harmony and stability of spirit. It is a gift to be able to share such things with each of you. I hope to further empower you and other people with a few tool s and a bit more information for sustainable wellness that is in alignment with your biology and ecology, with a few ways of “tapping-in” to you body’s natural ablates to regulate and regenerate!

What do I wear? …Comfortable clothes and Shoes that you can move freely in.


  • Tuesday Mornings from 6:30-7:30am
  • Wednesday evenings from 5:30-6:30pm

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