What is Fijian Massage?

Fijian Sport Massage is often the preferred deep tissue therapy for both client and therapist. Fijian Barefoot Massage is being offered in Spas, at sporting events, in private homes and professional clinics. Become masters of your feet with Fijian barefoot techniques.

Why Massage with Feet?

Many massage therapists are ruining their hands, injuring their shoulders and stressing their necks giving traditional massage with hands/elbows. Statistics indicate that 80% of therapists have injured themselves within 2 years of beginning deep tissue work. Many therapists have to limit the number of their daily sessions or even quit the profession they love due to the strain/injury on their upper body.

Living in the remote villages of the Fiji Islands, Lolita Knight developed a unique and effective therapeutic barefoot massage. Her protocol varies from other barefoot techniques in that no bars, overhead ropes, or oil are employed with her Fijian Massage. Most barefoot techniques either add strokes using the hands or require hands to hold on to the equipment. NO HANDS are employed with the Fijian Massage. In fact, a person with no arms or hands could learn Fijian Massage.

Fijian Massage does not include walking on the client's back as one foot remains standing on the floor. Fijian Massage is deeper and often more therapeutic than types of massage utilizing the hands –it gives therapists’ hands a break.

One of the main advantages for the therapist is this freedom of not using their hands preventing carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive movement injury. An injured therapist has a chance to heal. Hands are precious and should be saved to use only where and when they are required.

Can You Massage An Entire Body with Your Feet?

Massage An Entire Body with Your Feet
Treatment is not applied to the face and the anterior triangle of the neck. Protocols are designed for hands, arms, shoulders, posterior triangle of the neck, pectorals, trapezius, rhomboids, levator scapulae, back (cervical - thoracic-lumbar), gluteus, legs and feet.

What Components of the Foot Are Utilized For Massaging?

With the Fijian Massage you bring into play your toes, lateral and medial edge of your foot, the ball of your foot, the metatarsal phalangeal joint, the base of your heel and the edge of your heel.

Strokes may be gentle, deep or invigorating. Each part of the foot serves a different function. Various parts are engaged for warming the muscle, stretching, working around joints and Yang (heavy) muscles.    The heel of the foot feels especially good in the trapezius and upper back area. The heel, while feeling very deep and therapeutic, suits small and large framed individuals from office workers to sports people. For more penetrating massage, the metatarsal phalangeal joint is utilized.  Even the toes are gainfully employed to digitally work on specific areas.

Balance Problems?

When giving a Fijian Massage, the weight is on the foot that remains on the floor. Because the leg muscles are more powerful than the arm and with many sturdy bones in the foot, this method seldom requires the therapist to apply any "leaning" to increase the pressure as the therapist employs gravity to do the work.

If a therapist has balance problems or just wants to take it easy, they may sit in a chair, steady themselves against a wall, rest on the edge of their massage table or sit on a stool. Normally within 2 weeks of practice, balance is no longer a problem. The clients notice no lessening of the pressure if you are sitting. It does not matter to the clients whether you are sitting or standing—either way the work will be as deep as is needed.

Fijian Massage can be done with clients fully clothed in soft cotton or it may be administered to bare skin. The therapist can be barefoot or wear cotton socks.

Lolita has been massaging for a quarter of a century. She has given over 25,000 massages. She has been injured, suffered and cured herself of repetitive movement injury. Lolita wants to help fellow practitioners prevent the injuries she needlessly endured.

About Lolita Knight

Lolita Knight Fijian Massage Instructor
Lolita Knight has been to Fiji several times in the past 20 years. With a very strong affinity towards the Fijian people she has lived in some of the remote villages on the smaller islands. Lifestyle has been very primitive with 60 homes sharing one communal cold shower with the sky for a ceiling. She has learned many of the customs of the native Fijians from sitting on the floor to eat meals to learning Fijian Massage and natural healing methods.

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