Stretch | Need a Yoga Class? Try Downloading One

Lauren Cucinotta of Fort Greene, Brooklyn, says she used to exhaust herself trying to get to a yoga studio regularly. Now her class involves just video on the Internet, herself and her dog, Bella. Ángel Franco/The New York Times DO IT YOURSELF Lauren Cucinotta of Fort Greene, Brooklyn, says she used to exhaust herself trying to get to a yoga studio regularly. Now her class involves just video on the Internet, herself and her dog, Bella.
For Mind and Body

Stretch is a new monthly series on yoga. Tell us about your yoga practice.

Is there a less hospitable home for yoga than this raucous, frenzied, brash capital of capitalism? This city where car horns vie with sirens for supremacy, slow walkers are mercilessly — if understandably — shoved curbside and today exists only through the prism of tomorrow (the next promotion, the next apartment, the next smartphone, the next hot restaurant chef)?

Which is probably why yoga studios are nearly as ubiquitous in New York as Dunkin’ Donuts or Duane Reade. We need them, desperately. They give us permission to be still for longer than an elevator ride. They are the urban equivalent of a decompression chamber.

Yet, life conspires. What with long workdays, overscheduled kids, the need to sleep, socialize and catch up on TiVo, getting to a yoga class can sometimes feel like just another item to cross off the to-do list. Then there’s the price tag: $17 to shed your frazzled self in the company of sweaty strangers, while a bargain in the cosmic sense, can sting deeply in these recessionary times.

Enter online yoga. As with online colleges, you can go at your own pace, in your own living room, and you don’t have to worry about having chic yoga pants. I quickly found a dozen Web sites offering scores of classes, from yoga for runners to Anusara with celebrity yogis. There are videos (including in high definition), audio and video podcasts and applications so you can take your workout with you by phone (and, I suppose, do yoga in a cab). Some are free, others have relatively low fees. On, you can look out over the Rocky Mountains as you stretch. At, you can download classes recorded in a California studio.

These classes are a boon for travelers and people who live in yoga-free zones, but Internet yoga can also be a great supplement for people like me who regularly spend time in a neighborhood studio. What’s liberating about online yoga is the variety: classes range from 10 to 90 minutes, and if you tire of one teacher or style of yoga, you can switch to another with the click of a mouse or swipe of a finger (no more getting bored of the same-old, same-old regimen on that DVD you got for Christmas). In the worst of times, you can squeeze in a few sun salutations between walking the dog and jumping in the shower.

“I’ll literally roll out of bed,” said Lauren Cucinotta, 26, who occasionally blogs about her solitary yoga as The Autodidact Yogi. Ms. Cucinotta, who does public relations and marketing for a jewelry company and has been practicing yoga for several years, said she was exhausting herself just trying to get to a yoga studio regularly. So a few months ago she set up a little altar — a baby statue of Ganesh, a few rocks, an elephant incense holder — in her studio apartment in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. She lets her mood and energy dictate the style and length of class, something not easily done when you have to juggle studio schedules (and subway schedules). The other day she picked a free YouTube video of a rigorous class by Sadie Nardini, a well-known New York vinyasa instructor.

There are, of course, some drawbacks. As Ms. Cucinotta flung her legs into a handstand against a sliver of a wall, a picture frame crashed down onto her altar. Ganesh took an unfortunate tumble. And Ms. Cucinotta’s Yorkie, Bella, wanted to get in some doga time of her own, often directly under her owner’s stomach.

With cellphones within reach, barking dogs and yapping children, serenity can be elusive. My husband barged in on me in mid-tree pose one early evening as I was trying “Yoga for Mountain Living” via Ignoring my unmistakable frown, he tossed me the phone. It was my oldest daughter, asking if she could stay for dinner at a friend’s house. Yes, yes. Fine. Whatever. I remembered then that part of the relief of going to a yoga class was being away from domestic responsibilities for an hour.

It is also a lot easier to forgo that 12th chaturanga (a slow drop into push-up position) when you’re alone, with no instructor egging you on. I found my mind drifting and my energy flagging when I was going solo. I know that yoga is like golf: You compete against yourself. But there’s nothing like watching the person next to you hold plank pose without a bead of sweat to get you charged up.

If you’re new to yoga, online options can cut both ways. The bashful can take comfort that no one can see. But because there’s no instructor to adjust your shoulders, knees and feet, you can also hurt yourself more easily.

And sometimes you want company, a roomful of it, so you can orchestrate your breathing, commiserate with grunts and revel in that final om. “The community is what makes the classes,” Ms. Cucinotta acknowledged. “It’s being surrounded by people doing what you’re doing. I do miss that.”

A Tour of the Online Studios

YOGAGLO ($18 a month subscription) positions a high-definition camera at the back of its Santa Monica, Calif., studio and streams the classes (delayed). The picture quality is great, particularly if you hook up your laptop to a high-definition screen; you feel as if you are there. The site offers a variety of styles and teachers, including well-known guest teachers, and also has lectures and workshops.

YOGA DOWNLOAD ($1.99 to $6.99 per class) offers 180 audio podcasts and eight streaming videos. It features 12 instructors with a range of yoga styles, including Baptiste power flows. For experienced yogis, who need not see positions demonstrated, the audio podcasts are convenient; the site also offers a poses guide that you can print. Classes are sorted thematically: yoga for runners, yoga for back pain, etc.

MY YOGA ONLINE ($9.95 per month) streams videos in high definition and has iPod/iPhone classes with catchy titles like “Yoga for Anxiety” and “Creative Core Abs.” Some of its 44 well-qualified instructors conduct classes in stunning locations; there are 300 videos, with a new one or two added each week. The site also offers meditation, Pilates and workshops.

YOGA JOURNAL does not have a huge selection, but it is a great place to go for free podcasts — video and audio — with some excellent instructors, including Kathryn Budig and Jason Crandell.

YOGA TODAY (99 cents per video or $9.99 per month) has more than 200 video classes in its library, including “Embodying Fearlessness” and “Ashtanga for the New Yogi.” The site uses three instructors and some classes take place outdoors, against amazing backdrops.

ITUNES offers pocket yoga for $2.99: a graphic representation of an instructor takes you through poses.

YOUTUBE, not surprisingly, houses a large number of free yoga videos. Some favorites are ashtanga classes by Richard Freeman and sessions with Cyndi Lee and Shiva Rea. Sadie Nardini has her own YouTube channel, including a five-minute stretch before bed and multipart sequences that last an hour and involve all parts of the body. The price is right, but the quality of the images is often weak.


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I’m surprised they didn’t mention Yogis Anonymous.


Maybe it’s still under the radar. I guess they’re launching their full-on yoga streaming site this summer but they’ve been streaming live yoga classes (yes, they are actually live broadcasts…pretty cool!) and on-demand too, for free (it’s free for now, I’m sure they’re gonna start charging at some point). some of their teachers are internationally known – Ashley Turner, Brock and Krista Cahill, Ally Hamilton… and the classes do quite feel like being there.

Just want to say… I do the same thing with Sadie Nardini’s youtube videos. She is awesome and does a great thing.

Thanks for such great resources. I believe more and more we will see brick and mortar studios using online classes as a way to market to and attract students into their buildings.

Online yoga is a great supplement, but you cannot replicate the experience of being in a class where you can sometimes lean on the energy in the room, the breath work or even a smile from another yogi, to pull you throw a challenging asana. It’s why people will always pay thousands of dollars to watch the Super Bowl in person. We want to be there.

Besides, yoga is about connection–with our true selves and with others.

Training for yoga teachers is going to the internet as well. Just this week, we announced the launch of the online, video version of my NYC based yoga anatomy course. Soon, teachers from all around the world will be able to participate in my weeky lectures at //

If you are looking for more instruction AND inspiration at home, you might try the Yoga Odyssey.


It’s a month-long program that helps you commit to finding a regular home practice. It includes daily motivational emails, weekly podcasts, and online bulletin board for peer support, and a resource list of other helpful tools, online and otherwise.


Hey …I’m missing my favorite online yoga teacher, Esther Ekhart from // She is one of the best viewed on youtube as well!

I started yoga using Richard Hittleman 28 Day Yoga Plan, which was great for easing into the practice without injury. This was before the yoga-boom. The classes I took at a couple of studios in NYC were crowded & had an aggressive pace. It is hard to resist the urge to keep up with the group. The instructors have various levels of knowledge and experience, and it is risky letting these people adjust your body. In private you can be more attuned to your own body with its individual limitations.

After many tries at classes, and even some private instruction, I bought a little book called A Morning Cup of Yoga. With simple illustrations and a CD that I downloaded onto my iPod, this book walks me through some basic poses that stretch almost every part of the body.
Not for hard-core yogis, this workout is quick, but thorough. I add a few downward facing dogs and other poses if I have the time. I pause the audio and hold poses longer if time permits, as well. But if I only have 20 minutes, at least I know I’ve done something to stay limber.

I have to try these; usually, I go to a studio or (more often) use yoga DVDs. Loved the part about the dog. My older lab enters the room (my study) when I begin a DVD- led yoga practice and, when the music starts and Rodney Yee intones “Downward Dog!), the dog whimpers, lies down and goes to sleep. The whimper is the canine version of “Om,” I guess!

I began yoga, using videos, in 1994. I’d had chronic back problems, caused by an injury that I’d incurred while lifting a typewriter (remember those?) “the wrong way” back when I was in graduate school, in the mid-1970s. The problem had worsened as I’d gotten older. I’d missed days of work, visited an osteopath, and tried various therapies for my back. When a friend suggested yoga, I was skeptical. Nonetheless, within a few weeks, my back problems were gone.

I continued to practice yoga for several years, using tapes, then DVDs, and visiting studios when I had time. Then I lapsed. A few years ago, after unsuccessful therapy for a “frozen shoulder” — this time caused by lifting a laptop computer (time and technology march on), repeatedly, “the wrong way,” I began yoga again. This time, it took a few months for my problem to be fixed, but it was. Physical therapy — okay. Yoga — great!

Now I do a 30 minute practice at least 4 times per week, combining this exercise with running (which I never stopped) and an occasional dance class. I am almost sixty, do not look my age, and am much more limber than my peers, including my husband, whom I have taught yoga “back relief” exercises. He is amazed at how well they work — spasm gone, immediately — but remains reluctant to progress to sun salutes. I’ll keep trying.

Now I have to put down the lap top (correctly), get up, and do my morning yoga. Nameste!

The idea is very nice, but having a yoga teacher is still important and desirable. The help of a yoga teacher can correct asanas to achieve what I have heard well-known yogi Paul Grilley call “the purpose” of the pose.

In the photos accompanying this article, I can easily see errors which any competent teacher could correct, bringing the student into the most effective poses to achieve the energetic and physical purpose of each pose.

Perhaps, with all of the money and time saved by having daily yoga classes using e-resources, students could periodically hire a yoga teacher for a private session to help improve their practice?

Kate, in post #3 above, also elegantly makes the other important points about the virtues of yoga classes.

Second, I bristle on hearing the words “you compete against yourself.” This is a pet peeve of mine…bringing competition, which is divisive, into the realm of that which is meant to be uniting in each of its aspects. The sanskrit word “yoga” is related to the word “yoke.”

If you are looking for Baptiste-style power yoga sessions, go to the link below to download podcasts of classes recorded at an excellent studio in Pittsburgh, Amazing Yoga. The instructors are excellent, the classes are challenging, and they are free!


Another option is has step-by-step instruction on hundreds of exercises, including yoga poses. The site also has video demonstration of many workouts.

Can someone direct me to on-line yoga classes for men? These websites look great but they seem to be heavily slanted towards women. I am a beginner and I wonder if there is a difference in the techniques and poses.

It’s great to see this article! I’ve been doing this all winter–mainly doing free online classes in my living room but supplementing them with every-other-week studio classes. Really keeps the price down.

Also, if you have Comcast cable with OnDemand, I recently discovered that Exercise TV has a TON of free yoga, pilates, and other workout videos on there. Some of the classes are better than others, but they’re free and high quality.

A lot of the great sites given in the article also have a few free options. I know that yoga today also has one free weekly class or something like that.

Spurred by fears of a bad back, I purchased a yoga card deck for $10 and life has never been the same. Its improved my overall health, outlook and a nice way to start the day. This is despite having more yoga injuries (several pulled muscles) and never having a running injury. However, my friends think its strange that I listen to NPR’s Morning Edition while doing 45 minutes of yoga. Sadly, on-line yoga is just too high tech for me.

Good question re yoga for men at beginners level, Henry! I hope someone has suggestions.

Let me add another suggestion, “Yogamazing” (not to be confused with “Amazing Yoga”. The instructor, Chaz Rough offers a new class every week for free, with classes generally going from 25 to 30 minutes each. He offers a prescriptive approach, like Yoga for Headaches, or Yoga for Cyclists.

// or in iTunes

Yoga Today also offers a free weekly class. And those mountains in the background are the Grand Tetons.


This is Lauren, that’s me pictured in the above article, co-starring my dog Bella.

I started my home practice for a few reasons – I couldn’t find the time to fit yoga into my busy schedule, and I needed a break from all the yoga classes I was going to – I took a year where I had the Yoga Pass Book and took classes all around Brooklyn and Manhattan – in order to really discover what I wanted for my practice.

I was a dancer growing up, and was used to going to classes and being ‘instructed’. Doing yoga on my own, through online classes, allows me to both learn, and to understand what I, and what my body, needs.

I choose my teachers, styles, poses, times – everything. I think having that power and ability to take your practice into your own hands is the path to improving and growing your ‘self’.

Knowing your ‘self’ allows you to better connect to others.

And isn’t that what yoga is about? Uniting? Connecting?

I make it a point to take yoga classes in studios when I find the time. There is nothing like a great yoga class, and a teacher that inspires you. The energy of a good class is intoxicating, and is an experience not to be missed

In addition – my mom is a yoga teacher and recently opened up a yoga studio in the community where I grew up in south New Jersey. To see how the studio has brought people together and changed peoples’ lives is inspiring.

That’s the power of a good yoga studio, a great community and an awesome yoga teacher.

Some great yoga communities in Manhattan and Brooklyn are Bikram Yoga Lower East Side, Yoga to the People and Mala Yoga.

So – I’m not saying (and neither is this article) that you should only practice yoga online. But, that is the path that my yoga has taken and I hope it is one that you explore on your own personal yoga adventure!


In response to Henry:

“Can someone direct me to on-line yoga classes for men? These websites look great but they seem to be heavily slanted towards women. I am a beginner and I wonder if there is a difference in the techniques and poses.”

There are no separate poses for women or men., and all have male and female teachers. They both offer fantastic beginner videos. Dice’s class on yogaglo is especially awesome!! I take him religiously and he has a great energy that isn’t too female.

I’m enjoying doing DVD yoga and using a chair. I’m not as young as I use to be. I find the studio classes to be more than I’m capable of at this point in time. Finding that down time and space is my challenge when working at home as you pointed out in the article. LOOKING FOWARD to reading STRETCH

For anyone studying yoga, male or female, beginner or advanced, do check out Leslie Kaminoff’s Yoga Anatomy book (see comment #4). Mr. Kaminoff details the poses anatomically with live photo shots that have been “peeled away” to include sketches of the deep musculature and bones. By seeing these accurate poses, one can more easily emulate them, especially with the guidance of a good instructor. One also gets to know one’s body better, and more easily understands the instructor when he says, “Pull your femur towards your hamstring” in a twisted crescent lunge! Invaluable.

These yoga videos are a great resource for someone who has had experience with yoga. But for absolute beginners, it is important to do a few sessions supervised by a live instructor who can ensure that you are actually doing the poses correctly. As with weight training, unless you are employing correct posture and tensing the right parts of the body, you’re not achieving the maximum benefit and may in fact be setting yourself up for an injury; what you pay for a few basis classes you’ll save in medical costs.

Henry: try the free video podcasts from Yogamazing. It’s taught by a guy, usually solo. Not geared towards any specific gender but I really like his approach. //