$17 for One Ticket to the Acqualina Wellness Expo in Sunny Isles Beach ($35 Value)
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- Local & national wellness companies
- Raw-food tasting
- Chair massages & yoga demos
Nutritional knowledge allows humans to harness nature’s goodness in more efficient ways than slaughtering oranges for vitamin C and tickling calcium out of unsuspecting cows. Simplify bodily supplements with today’s Groupon: for $17, you get one ticket to the Acqualina Wellness Expo (a $35 value) on Monday, May 30 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Acqualina Resort & Spa in Sunny Isles Beach.
The Acqualina Wellness Expo gathers local and national health companies to educate attendees in natural and organic foods, unique fitness programs, and overall wellness services. Teeth chew through a tasting of the herbaceous cuisine from T.h.r.i.v.e. (The Healthy Raw Inspired Vegan Experience) and eyes widen at the menu of organic, additive-free salads, sandwiches, and other plant-based eats. Fitness discussions by Aqquatix USA address the benefits of submerging exercise bikes and treadmills to create a more challenging exercise and give water another use besides mogwai population control.
Warm muscles with a chair massage by therapists from the Acqualina Resort's ESPA before showing them off in a 108 sun salutations event led by Yogiiza and using them to tote home a gift bag with products from Smart Water, Vitamin Water, and more. Other exhibitors include the pincushion pain-relief techniques of Rohr Acupuncture, holistic lifestyle advice from Mind Body Weight Loss, and Anti Aging Clinic skincare specialists, who perform facials while subconsciously humming songs from Peter Pan.
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