Old Yankee Ale
Cottrell Brewing Co.

Old Yankee AleOld Yankee Ale
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Cottrell Brewing Co.
Connecticut, United States
American Amber / Red Ale
3.81 | pDev: 14.17%
Sep 23, 2021
Aug 29, 2001
Our flagship brew, a medium bodied, American Amber Ale, that has a great up-front malt taste with a refreshing hop finish. Drown yourself in New England with this outstanding session beer.
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Ratings by Jason:
Photo of Jason
Reviewed by Jason from Massachusetts

4.94/5  rDev +29.7%
look: 4 | smell: 5 | taste: 5 | feel: 5 | overall: 5
Presentation: 12oz brown bottle. Scored freshness date on a classic old New England style label.

Appearance: Copper liquid with an off-white, creamy, bubbly head.

Smell: Dry grain aroma followed by a citrus hop aroma.

Taste: This brew starts with a crisp carbonation paired with a sharp, grapefruit bitterness (almost steel-like at times). This slowly fades into a malty, chewy, sweet, caramelly profile that blends with a leafy/earthy flavour. Unlike many beers, this beer does not finish out entirely dry. A somewhat chewy caramel is left behind in the sweet aftertaste.

Notes: Ohmibeergod this is a complex and delicious beer! A high quality brew. A BeerAdvocate favourite.
Aug 30, 2001
More User Ratings:
Photo of CTHomer
Reviewed by CTHomer from Connecticut

3.27/5  rDev -14.2%
look: 4 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 3 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.25
A: crystal clear; bronze in color; 1 finger finely pored off white head that receded to a wispy cap; nice lacing;

S: not especially aromatic; what's there is sweet malt and some sour dough bread;

T: musty; some sourdough bread and malt sweetness; mild to moderate bitterness on the finish;

M: medium bodied; moderate carbonation; moderately dry finish;

O: the mustiness in the flavor was a turn off for me;
Sep 23, 2021
Rated: 4.5 by 1971bernat from Virginia

Aug 14, 2018
Rated: 4.09 by cwbern from New Jersey

Feb 15, 2018
Rated: 3.78 by Kurzman from Rhode Island

Feb 12, 2017
Photo of clayrock81
Reviewed by clayrock81 from Florida

3.84/5  rDev +0.8%
look: 4 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Poured a copper red body with one-finger head and a little bit of lace. Minimal malts and hops in aroma. Easy drinking beer that has minimal sweetness that balances with a mild, hoppy dryness and is an easy to drink amber ale.
Feb 02, 2017
Rated: 3.94 by AMCPhD from Virginia

Sep 30, 2016
Rated: 2.21 by LMSMITH from Rhode Island

Sep 11, 2016
Rated: 4.41 by CTaleMan from Connecticut

Aug 19, 2016
Rated: 4.29 by zachthelaxer93 from South Carolina

Aug 01, 2016
Rated: 3.25 by djrn2 from New Jersey

Jan 17, 2016
Photo of bradco57
Reviewed by bradco57 from Pennsylvania

4.85/5  rDev +27.3%
look: 4.75 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 5 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.75
Our restaurant just tapped Cottrell Old Yankee Ale yesterday. I was anxious to taste it since we already had their Mystic Bridge IPA on tap which I thought was fantastic.. The Old Yankee Ale even surpassed that... It was creamy, fresh, tasty and all I could look for.. This is the kind of beer you can enjoy all year round and has real character.
I had never heard of Cottrell until a few weeks ago but I stand impressed. Our restaurant brings in plenty of craft beers and this one ranks amongst the best we've ever had!
Dec 11, 2015
Photo of Back_in_the_Saddle
Reviewed by Back_in_the_Saddle from Vermont

3.03/5  rDev -20.5%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
This was poured into a pint glass.
The appearance was a muddy burnt orange to amber color with a one finger white foamy head that dissipated within a minute. Light stringy lacing.
The smell had some toasted caramel malts. Light cracker. Some citrus bitterness.
The taste was malty sweet with a light citrus bitterness.
The mouthfeel was about a light to medium on the body with a decent tingle of carbonation hitting my tongue.
Overall, its a decent American Amber / Red ale, nothing special for the most part.
Nov 24, 2015
Photo of Urk1127
Reviewed by Urk1127 from New Jersey

2.8/5  rDev -26.5%
look: 4.5 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 2.5
-dark red, maroon, white head, lacing sticks around
-Sweet cracker malts, a grapefruit peel bitterness
-Sweet, toastyness isnt in your face, sharply bitter at the end of citrus peel
-Medium feel, smooth, then sharp and dry

-Honestly did not care for it considering the heavy dryness almost like that of a gin.
Oct 03, 2015
Photo of PatrickCT
Reviewed by PatrickCT from Connecticut

4.07/5  rDev +6.8%
look: 4 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4
12 ounce bottle poured into a tulip.

a: Opaque copper/amber body with a light cream colored one finger head.

s: Faint malts and citrusy hops

t: Toasted malt, rye, cider, citrus rind, floral and spicy hops.

mf: Medium bodied. Lively carbonation. Crisp and peppery finish.

o: Benefits from letting it warm a bit. This beer gives something like Rare Vos a run for its money, yet lacks the yeast dynamic.
Sep 07, 2015
Rated: 4.02 by snowmageddon from Massachusetts

Sep 06, 2015
Rated: 4 by kmos27 from Pennsylvania

Sep 01, 2015
Rated: 4.4 by SlainteAlbanyNY from New York

Aug 28, 2015
Rated: 3.5 by Skellbop from New York

Jul 16, 2015
Rated: 3.7 by Celtics76 from Rhode Island

Jul 05, 2015